Sunday, January 25, 2009
Menu Planning
Tuesday - Meatloaf
Wednesday - Spaghetti
Thursday - Chicken Pot Pie
Friday - Chicken Nuggets/Mac n Cheese
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday/Saturday Night Itenerary

Or atleast that is what they told me. They ate....and I begin to ask myself, " What was I thinking?"
Monday, January 5, 2009
A Year in Review
Was 2008 good for you? Yes!
What was your favorite moment of the year? Graduating from SFA with my Masters and watching Eric and the boys have a blast at Shiloh Ridge
What was your worst moment of the year? Spending part of my summer away from my family all day in class from 8 - 5 and some Saturdays!
Where were you when 2008 began? Either at Jennifer's house or in the bed. I'm not sure we made it up til 12.
Who were you with? Friends and family
Where will you be when 2008 ends? Either at Jennifer's house or in the bed.
Did you keep your new years resolution of 2008? No! Usually my resolution is to loose weight!
Do you have a new years resolution for 2009? Yes, the main one is to not eat out so much.
Did you fall in love in 2008? No
If yes, with who?
Are you still in love? Yes.
Did you breakup with anyone in 2008? No.
Did you make any new friends in 2008? Became better friends with someone that I met a few years back
Who are your favorite new friends? Jennifer Scott
What was your favorite month of 2008? June
Why this month? I loved the experience of working half day at Summer School and then being off the rest of the day. It got me up, out of bed, and ready to be semi-productive.
Did you travel outside of the US (or your home country) in 2008? No.
Did you miss anybody in the past year? Y es.
What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2008? humm....Did I go to the movies?
What was your favorite song from 2008? Irreplaceable ...I think that was 2008?
How many concerts or plays did you see in 2008? 1 concert 50 artists
Did you have a favorite concert in 2008? Tim McGraw
What was your favorite book in 2008? I can't remember the name of it...but it changed my outlook on life in general. Gaah..when I remember the name I will add it!
How many people did you sleep with in 2008? 1
Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year? Probably
What was the biggest lie you told in 2008? Telling my kids I was doing homework, when I was probably looking around on the computer.
Did you treat somebody badly in 2008? Yes
Did somebody treat you badly in 2008? Yes, but we are over it!
What was your proudest moment of 2008? I love seeing the boys really excited. When Carter got his four wheeler from Santa I was proud for him. Realizing that one of my boys can and will mind at school. Lane not crying everyday at Mother's Day Out.
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2008? Meeting up with old friends from highschool and feeling like the fatest!
If you could go back to any moment of 2008 and change something, what would it be? I would change the fact that I let myslef get so upset and disappointed when I didn't get jobs I wanted.
Where did you work in 2008? Elementary School
Favorite TV shows(s) of 2008? Grey's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters
Favorite Band(s) of 2008? Rascal Flatts
Favorite Food in 2008? You name it...I probably ate it till I was full and then ate some more!!! Burger King...whopper with cheese
Favorite Drink in 2008? Mudslide
Favorite Place in 2008? Spa
Favorite person(s) to be with in 2008? My family and friends
Favorite person(s) to talk to in 2008? Jennifer
Favorite trip in 2008? SeaWorld
Favorite stores in 2008? Ross, Belk
Hardest thing you had to go through in 2008? Watching Carter have migraines. Dealing with Asthma and going to specialist.
Most exciting moment(s) in 2008? Carter's belt graduation..finally finding something he enjoys besides ridin!! Potty training Lane...if that happened in 2008!
Funniest moment(s) in 2008? Crazy stuff that the boys would say....I wish I would have written it all down!
Menu Planning
Monday - Chicken Nuggets/Sandwiches
Tuesday - Taco Soup
Wednesday - BBQ Sausage/Mac and Cheese
Thursday - Chicken Pot Pie
Friday - Tacos/Cheese Dip
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Lair Family
This is a typical day at the Lair house. Momma and daddy want to be lazy, but the boys have a different plan in mind. Right now they are trying to convince Eric that they need to build a wooden track to race their Derby cars on!
This is the only family picture we have. It was taken three years ago. I think it is about time for a new one!